Jo gets new roles in The Drowned Man


We love it when our clients do well out there. Jo Bowis has been appearing in Punchdrunk’s acclaimed The Drowned Man for a few months, but recently she has been given two new roles to play:

“Phoebe is an anomaly in the system. She stays in her secret office spinning the web that propels the organism that is ‘The Drowned Man’ forward. Only viewable by a select few, once you discover her world, nothing in the show will be the same again. She can spit you back out into that dark universe with new knowledge: you can see events in miniature before they happen,  then be sent to see it in real life.

Lexie the Executive spills across Studio 3, louche-ly covering the space with her unsettling charm: she will stroke you like a puppy then squash you like a fly. She will welcome you in the lift, then receive you in the bar at the wrap party in Studio 3. Don’t get stuck there though, or she will make sure you don’t clog up the air.”

She’s there throughout November and December. Book your tickets here.