Welcome Francesca Thesen!

We would like to officially introduce and welcome our newest recruit Francesca Thesen! As well as being an excellent actor she is also a talented writer, and can even hold her own horse riding! She is in the 16 – 25 age category and is as at home playing the scrappy urban youth as she … Read more

Josephine Arden at ROH

Our multi-talented Josephine Arden has returned to Covent Garden to join the cast of the Kasper Holten’s 2014 production of Don Giovanni at The Royal Opera House. Josie plays Elvira’s maid, and notes the irony of being a non-singer appearing in an opera at one of the UK’s foremost opera houses! Shows run from September … Read more

Voldemort at the Kings Head

Fresh from the Edinburgh Fringe, Voldemort and the Teenage Hogwarts Musical Parody, featuring our own Alice Robinson in the talented cast, is now pulling in the crowds at the King’s Head until September 21st. You can see her by booking tickets here.

Our newest client…

Our newest client is Nichola Woolley. Hailing from Barnsley, South Yorkshire (now based in London with a Northern base) Nichola casts in the 21-30 bracket as practical characters with a determined streak. She is a strong Mezzo-Soprano who sings with the City Academy Songbirds and has set up her own theatre company called Valley Productions … Read more

The Werewolf is coming

Kristin Duffy is playing Izzy Tresidder in “The Werewolf of Washington Heights” at the Cockpit Theatre from 19th-23 August. Keep an eye on “London Live” : she will be chatting about the play, coming soon! #thewerewolfiscoming #wildwomenunite